About Us
Our Mission
We aspire to gain community and political support to meet our objective.
Our Objective
To re-open a railway station in Caerleon, opening a gateway to the national rail network to serve the community of Caerleon and surrounding areas and fostering sustainable transport.
Our Target
To attain a commitment to inclusion in the Cardiff Capital Region transport plan by 2026.To achieve the opening of a railway station in Caerleon in less than ten years.
Unique Selling Points
1) The Station could be easily accessed by virtually the entire population of the village by foot or bicycle in less than 15 minutes.
2) The Roman remains in Caerleon already attract in excess of 70,000 visitors each year and this number is set to greatly increase under the recent partnership agreed by the Council, Amgueddfa Cymru and Cadw. A station will have a vital role to play in developing Caerleon as a major heritage site.
3) The station along with increased heritage visitors would create an environment for economic growth due to increased footfall and business opportunities.
4) Caerleon has a major traffic congestion issue. A station used by the local community would reduce local traffic. In addition, the improved integrated public transport system will support the net zero policy which is required to tackle the climate emergency.
5) By law councils have to make an Air Quality Management Area where there are concerns over air pollution. The Council designated Caerleon as an Air Quality Management Area in 2005 due to levels of pollution from traffic. A station would be a major contribution to reducing traffic and improving air quality.
Target Milestones
April 2024 – March 2024
1) Establishing a financial base – opening a bank account, securing initial funds for our activities.
2) Getting the community on board – getting people to know who we are, what is our vision, what is the case for a station. This will involve appearing at events, leafleting, street stalls, setting up a social media base etc.
3) Making ourselves known to key players – aim to meet them all by the end of the first year.
4) Scoping the key issues – being clear about the key challenges and opportunities facing us. Some obvious ones are; who will fund a station, technical issues, the station location and the Local Development Plan and car parking.